Highmark Medical Policy Bulletin |
Section: | Therapy |
Number: | Y-1 |
Topic: | Physical Medicine |
Effective Date: | September 1, 2012 |
Issued Date: | September 3, 2012 |
Date Last Reviewed: | 03/2012 |
Indications and Limitations of Coverage
Coverage for physical medicine is determined according to individual or group customer benefits. Participating, preferred and network providers can bill the member for denied services that exceed the member's benefit limitations. Physical medicine is a covered service when performed with the expectation of restoring the patient's level of function that has been lost or reduced by injury or illness. This type of therapy should be provided in accordance with an ongoing, written treatment plan. The treatment plan should include, at a minimum, documentation of the following:
The treatment plan should be updated as the patient's condition changes. Treatment plans for physical medicine, aquatic therapy, and gait training must be maintained in the medical record, and made available upon request. A typical session usually consists of up to one hour of rehabilitative therapy which could include up to four physical medicine modalities/procedures and/or units performed on the same date of service, per performing provider. Reimbursement for PT/OT visits involving any of the physical medicine codes [modalities (97010-97039, G0283, S8950), therapeutic procedures (97110-97542), tests and measurements (97750), muscle range of motion testing (95831-95852), orthotic management and prosthetic management (97760-97762)] are limited as follows: up to four codes/units in any combination per date of service per performing provider. Payment will be based on the highest submitted and allowed physical medicine codes. Services exceeding the limitation will be considered not medically necessary.
Duplicate therapy is not considered medically necessary and, therefore, non-covered. For example, if an individual is receiving therapy services from two different providers who are treating the same condition, the components of the treatment sessions must be different (eg, OT should focus on the self-care/home management/adaptive equipment use, while PT should focus on strength and range of motion. If two different providers are treating different conditions, for instance, one provider is treating the hand and the other provider is treating the knee, this would not be considered a duplicate therapy. Services that do not meet the medical necessity criteria on this policy will be considered not medically necessary. A participating, preferred or network provider cannot bill the member for the denied service unless the provider has given advance written notice, informing the member that the service may be deemed not medically necessary and providing an estimate of the cost. The member must agree in writing to assume financial responsibility, in advance of receiving the service. The signed agreement should be maintained in the provider's records. Physical Medicine or Athletic Training Evaluation Consequently, when an Evaluation and Management service is reported in conjunction with a physical medicine evaluation or athletic training evaluation, the services should be combined under the appropriate code for the physical medicine evaluation or athletic training evaluation. A participating, preferred, or network provider cannot bill the member for the E&M service. Modifier "-25" may be reported with medical care (e.g. E/M visits, consultations) to identify it as significant and separately identifiable from the other service(s) provided on the same day. When modifier "-25" is reported, the patient’s medical records must clearly document that separately identifiable medical care was rendered. Muscle testing (95831-95834), range of motion testing (95851-95852), and physical performance testing (97750) are considered components of a physical medicine evaluation (97001-97002) or an athletic training evaluation (97005-97006), and are not eligible for separate payment when billed on the same date of service as a physical medicine evaluation or athletic training service. Modifier "-59" may be reported with a non-E/M service, to identify it as distinct or independent from other non-E/M services performed on the same day. When modifier "-59" is reported, the patient’s medical records must support its use in accordance with CPT guidelines. Maintenance Therapy Physical Medicine Modalities
Aquatic Therapy (97113) A provider must have direct (one to one) patient contact when reporting aquatic therapy. Supervising multiple patients in a pool at one time and billing for each of these patients per 15 minutes of therapy time is not acceptable. Before beginning an aquatic therapy program, the provider must prepare a treatment plan that includes short-term and long-term goals that the patient can be reasonably expected to accomplish through the aquatic therapy program and the specific methods chosen. Proper documentation should include:
Procedure code 97113 represents aquatic therapy with therapeutic exercise. Payment for procedure code 97113 includes whirlpool (97022) and/or Hubbard tank (97036). Separate payment will not be made for 97022 or 97036 in addition to 97113 for a single patient encounter. Modifier "-59" may be reported with a non-E/M service, to identify it as distinct or independent from other non-E/M services performed on the same day. When modifier "-59" is reported, the patient’s records must support its use in accordance with CPT guidelines. Gait Training (97116) Generally accepted indications for gait training include:
Documentation for gait training must demonstrate that the patient's gait was improved either by lengthening the gait or increasing the frequency of cadence lower-extremity. Procedure code 97116 should not be used to report orthotics or prosthetics training. Orthotics training should be reported using procedure codes 97760 and 97762. Prosthetics training should be reported using procedure codes 97761 and 97762. Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy A vestibular rehabilitation program may be considered medically necessary for patients with vertigo, disequilibrium, and balance deficits related to the following conditions:
If none of these conditions are reported, a vestibular rehabilitation program is considered not medically necessary, and therefore, not covered. A participating, preferred or network provider cannot bill the member for the denied service unless the provider has given advance written notice, informing the member that the service may be deemed not medically necessary and providing an estimate of the cost. The member must agree in writing to assume financial responsibility, in advance of receiving the service. The signed agreement should be maintained in the provider's records. A vestibular rehabilitation program may include the following procedures:
Act 62 – 2008 ((Autism Spectrum Disorders Coverage Mandate) Effective July 1, 2009 Act 62-2008 (Autism Spectrum Disorders Coverage Mandate) requires coverage for individuals who are under twenty-one (21) years of age for the diagnostic assessment and treatment of autism spectrum disorders. Coverage is subject to a maximum benefit of thirty-six thousand dollars ($36,000) per year but is not subject to any limits on the number of visits to an autism service provider for treatment of autism spectrum disorders. Coverage is subject to copayment, deductible and coinsurance provisions, as well as any other general exclusions or limitations set forth in the member’s contract. Non-Covered Services The following services are considered experimental/investigational or not medically necessary and therefore, not covered: Dry Hydro Massage (97799) Dry hydro massage is considered not medically necessary. A participating, preferred or network provider cannot bill the member for the denied service unless the provider has given advance written notice, informing the member that the service may be deemed not medically necessary and providing an estimate of the cost. The member must agree in writing to assume financial responsibility, in advance of receiving the service. The signed agreement should be maintained in the provider's records. The Profiler and Aqua PT are considered forms of dry hydro massage. See Medical Policy Bulletin V-37 for guidelines on hydrotherapy provided to members with autism spectrum disorders. Electromagnetic Stimulation (Code 97799) Because the effectiveness of electromagnetic stimulation has not been established, this service is considered experimental/investigational. A participating, preferred or network provider may bill the member for the denied therapy. Equestrian/Hippotherapy (S8940) Hippotherapy is considered experimental/investigational. Scientific evidence does not demonstrate the efficacy of this service. A participating, preferred, or network provider can bill the member for the denied service. Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound (Hands-Free Ultrasound)(97799) Hands-free ultrasound therapy is considered experimental/investigational. There is a lack of clinical studies showing that lower intensity ultrasound therapy is as effective as traditional ultrasound. Participating, preferred, and network providers can bill the patient for the denied service. Use procedure code 97799 (Unlisted physical medicine/rehabilitation service or procedure) to report this service. Horizontal Therapy (97799) Horizontal therapy is considered experimental/investigational. Further studies are needed to determine the long-term efficacy of this modality. A participating, preferred, or network provider can bill the member for the denied service. Use procedure code 97799 (Unlisted physical medicine/rehabilitation service or procedure) to report this service. Low-Level Laser Therapy (S8948) (Cold Laser Therapy) Low-level laser therapy is considered experimental/investigational. This service is still being performed in a clinical trial setting with no long-term outcomes available. Further studies are needed to determine the long-term efficacy of this modality. A participating, preferred, or network provider can bill the member for the denied service. For information on sensory integrative techniques, refer to Medical Policy Bulletin Y-2. For information on manipulation services, refer to Medical Policy Bulletin Y-9. For information on MLD, refer to Medical Policy Bulletin Y-11. For information on cognitive rehabilitation, refer to Medical Policy Bulletin Y-21. For information on interferential stimulation, refer to Medical Policy Bulletin E-45. For information on electromagnetic therapy provided for the treatment of urinary incontinence, see Medical Policy Bulletin Y-12. For information on Autism Spectrum Disorders, refer to Medical Policy Bulletin V-37. Place of Service: Outpatient, Inpatient, Home, Office |
95831 | 95832 | 95833 | 95834 | 95851 | 95852 |
95992 | 97001 | 97002 | 97005 | 97006 | 97010 |
97012 | 97014 | 97016 | 97018 | 97022 | 97024 |
97026 | 97028 | 97032 | 97033 | 97034 | 97035 |
97036 | 97039 | 97110 | 97112 | 97113 | 97116 |
97124 | 97139 | 97140 | 97150 | 97530 | 97533 |
97535 | 97537 | 97542 | 97750 | 97760 | 97761 |
97762 | 97799 | G0283 | S8940 | S8948 | S8950 |
S8990 |
Traditional (UCR/Fee Schedule) Guidelines
This medical policy may not apply to FEP. Medical policy is not an authorization, certification, explanation of benefits or a contract. Benefits are determined by the Federal Employee Program. |
Comprehensive / Wraparound / PPO / Major Medical Guidelines
Any reference in this bulletin to non-billable services by a network provider may not be applicable to Major Medical.
Managed Care (HMO/POS) Guidelines
Please note that POS members may self-refer for outpatient PM&R services. When the member meets the medical necessity criteria detailed in this medical policy, please refer to the member's specific benefits schedule to determine and approve the duration of outpatient physical medicine services. |
02/1993, Physical therapy reporting tips |
Aquatic Therapy Rahmann AE, Brauer SG, Nitz JC. A specific inpatient aquatic physiotherapy program improves strength after total hip or knee replacement surgery: A randomized controlled trial. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2009;90(5):745-755 Hillier S, McIntyre A, Plummer L. Aquatic physical therapy for children with developmental coordination disorder: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Phys Occup Ther Pediatr. 2010;30(2):111-124 Tinti G, Somera R Jr, Valente FM, Domingos CR. Benefits of kinesiotherapy and aquatic rehabilitation on sickle cell anemia. A case report. Genet Mol Res. 2010;9(1):360-364 Electromagnetic Stimulation Work Loss Data Institute. Forearm, wrist, & hand (acute & chronic), not including carpal tunnel syndrome. Corpus Christi (TX). Work Loss Data Institute. 2008. Work Loss Data Institute. Elbow (acute & chronic). Corpus Christi (TX). Work Loss Data Institute. 2008. Benazzo F, Zanon G, Pederzini L, et al. Effects of biophysical stimulation in patients undergoing arthroscopic reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament: prospective, randomized and double-blind study. Knee Surg Spors Traumatol Arthrosx. 2008;16:595-601. Wróbel M, Szymborska-Kajanek A, Wystrychowski G, et al. Impact of low frequency pulsed magnetic fields on pain intensity, quality of life and sleep disturbances in patients with painful diabetic polyneuropathy. Diabetes & Metabolism. 2008;34:349-354. Hedén P, Pilla A. Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Postoperative Pain: A Double-Blind Randomized Pilot Study in Breast Augmentation Patients. Aesth Plast Surg. 2008;32:660-666. Foley K, Mroz T, Arnold P, et. al. Randomized, prospective, and controlled clinical trial of pulsed electromagnetic field stimulation for cervical fusion. The Spine Journal. 2008:436-442. Weintraub M, Herrmann D, Smith G, Backonja M, Cold S. Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields to Reduce Diabetic Neuropathic Pain and Stimulate Neuronal Repair: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. July 2009;90:1102-1109. Sutbeyaz S, Sezer N, Koseoglu F, Kibar S. Low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic Field Therapy in Fibromyalgia: A Randomized, Double-blind, Sham-controlled Clinical Study. Clin J Pain. October 2009;25(8):722-728. Ay S, Eveik D. The effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Rheumatol Int. 2009;29:663-666. Dallari D, Fini M, Giavaresi G, et al. Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Stimulation on Patients Undergoing Hip Revision Prostheses: A Randomized Prospective Double-Blind Study. Bioelectromagnetics. 2009;30:423-430. Kroeling P, Gross A, Goldsmith C, et al. Electrotherapy for neck pain. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2009;Issue 4. Kaskutas V, Snodgrass J. Occupational therapy practice guidelines for individuals with work-related injuries and illnesses. Bethesda (MD). American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). 2009. Hands-Free Ultrasound American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM). Elbow disorders. American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM). 2007. www.guideline.gov/popups/printView.aspx?id-10883. Rand S, Goerlich C, Marchand K. The Physical Therapy Prescription. Am Fam Physician. Dec. 1, 2007;76(11):1661-1666. Kaskutas V, Snodgrass J. Occupational therapy practice guidelines for individuals with work-related injuries and illnesses. Bethesda (MD). American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). 2009. www.guideline.gov/popups/printView.aspx?id=15288. El-Bialy T, Hasan A, Janadas A, Albaghdadi T. Nonsurgical treatment of hemifacial microsomia by therapeutic ultrasound and hybrid functional appliance. Open Access Journal of Clinical Trials. 2010;2:29-36. Gulich DR. Comparison of tissue heating between manual and hands-free ultrasound techniques. Physiother Theory Pract. 2010 Feb;26(2):100-6. Hippotherapy Snider L, Korner-Bitensky N, Kammann C, Warner S, Saleh M. Horseback Riding as Therapy for Children with Cerebral Palsy: Is There Evidence of Its Effectiveness? Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics. 2007 27(2): 5-23 Silkwood-Sherer D, Warmbier H, Effects of Hippotherapy on Postural Stability, in Persons with Multiple Sclerosis: A Pilot Study. JNPT. June 2007;31: 77-84 Murphy D, Kahn-D'Angelo K, Gleason J. The Effect of Hippotherapy on Functional Outcomes for Children with Disabilities: A Pilot Study. Pedistr Phys Ther Fall 2008 20(3):264-70 Anttila H, Autti-Rämö, Suoranta J, Mäkelä M, Malmivaara A. Effectiveness of physical therapy interventions for children with cerebral palsy: A systematic review. BMC Pediatrics. April 24, 2008; 8(14) Johnson C. The Benefits of Physical Activity for Youth with Developmental Disabilities: A Systematic Review. Health Promotion. January/February 2009;23(3): 157-167 Debuse D, Gibb C, Chandler C. Effects of hippotherapy on people with cerebral palsy, from the users’ perspective: A qualitative study. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. 2009; 25(3): 174 - 192 McGee M, Reese N. Immediate Effects of a Hippotherapy Session on Gait Parameters in Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy. Pediatric Physical Therapy. 2009;21: 212-218 Oppenheim W. Complementary and alternative methods in cerebral palsy. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology. 2009;51(4): 122-129 McGibbon N, Benda W, Duncan B, Silkwood-Sherer D. Immediate anhd Long-Term Effectis of Hippotherapy on Symmetry of Adductor Muscle Activity and Functional Ability in Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. June 2009;90: 966-974. Horizontal Stimulation Demirtürk F, Akbayrak T, Karakaya C, et al. Interferential current versus biofeedback results in urinary stress incontinence. SwissMed Wkly. 2008;138(21-22):317-321. Kajbafzadeh A, Sharif-Rad L, Baradaran N, Nejat F. Effect of Pelvic Floor Interferential Electrostimulation on Urodynamic Parameters and Incontinency of Children with Myelomeningocele and Detrusor Overactivity. Urology. August 2009;74(2). Chen C, Johnson M. An Investigational Into the Effects of Frequency-Modulated Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) on Experimentally-Induced Pressure Pain in Health Human Participants. J Pain. October 2009;10(10):1029-1037. Clarke M, Chase J, Gibb S, et al. Improvement of quality of life in children with slow transit constipation after treatment with transcutaneous electrical stimulation. J Ped Surg. 2009;44:1268-1273. Clark M, Chase J, Gibb S, et al. Decreased colonic transit time after transcutaneous interferential electrical stimulation in children with slow transit constipation. J Ped Surg. 2009;44:408-412. Duffy R. Low Back Pain: An Approach to Diagnosis and Management. Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice. Dec. 2010;37(4). Horizontal Therapy (Interferential Stimulation) Saggini R, Carniel R, Cancelli F. Treatment of Shoulder Injuries with Associated Arthrosynovitis Using Horizontal Therapy. Eur Med Phys. 2006; 42(Suppl. 1 to No 2): 669-72 Zambito A, Bianchini D, Gatti D, Rossini M, Adami S, Viapiana O. Interferential and horizontal therapies in chronic low back pain due to multiple vertebral fractures: a randomized, double blind, clinical study. Osteoporos Int. 2007; 18(11): 1541-5 Low Level Laser Mazzetto M, Carrasco T, Bidinelo E, Pizzo R, Mazzetto R. Low Intensity Laser Application in Temporomandibular Disorders: A Phase I Double-Blind Study. J Craniomandibular Practice. July 2007;25(3): 186-192 Bjordal J, Johnson M, Rodrigo A, et. al. Short-term Efficacy of Physical Interventions in Osteoarthritic Knee Pain. A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trials. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 10/02/2007; www.medscape.com. Accessed June 25, 2009 Crawford F, Thomson C. Low level laser therapy for nonspecific low-back pain. Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews, April 2008, Issue 2 www.mrw.interscience.wiley.com/cochrane/clsysrev. Accessed June 22, 2009 Gungor A, Dogru S, Cincik H, Erkul E, Poyrazoclu E. Effectiveness of transmeatal low power laser irradiation for chronic tinnitus. J Laryng Otol. 2008; 122: 447-451 Emshoff R, Bosch R, Pümpel E, Schöning H, Strobl H. Low-level laser therapy for treatment of temporomandibular joint pain: a double-blind and placebo-controlled trial. Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod.2008;105(4):452-6 Stergioulas A, Stergioula M, Aarskog R, et. al. Effects of Low-Level Laser Therapy and Eccentric Exercises in the Treatment of Recreational Athletes with Chronic Achilles Tendinopathy. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2008;36(5): 881 – 887 Shooshtari S, Badie V, Taghizadeh S, et. al. The effects of low level laser in clinical outcome and neurophysiological results of carpal tunnel syndrome. Electromyogr. Clin Neurophysiol. 2008; 48: 229-231 Unlu Z, Tascl S, Tarhan S, Pabuscu Y, Islak S. Comparison of 3 Physical Therapy Modalities for Acute Pain in Lumbar Disc Herniation Measured by Clinical Evaluation and Magnetic Resonance Imaging. J. Manip Phys Thera, Vol 31, No 3;March/April 2008: 191-198 Lawenda B, Mondry T, Johnstone P. Lymphedema: A Primer on the Identification and Management of a Chronic Condition in Oncologic Treatment. CA Cancer J Clin. January/February 2009;59(1): 8-24 Carrasco TG, Guerisoli LD, Guerisoli DM, et al. Evaluation of low intensity laser therapy in myofascial pain syndrome. Cranio. 2009 Oct;27(4):243-247 Chow RT, Johnson MI, Lopes-Martins RA, Bjordal JM. Efficacy of low-level laser therapy in the management of neck pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized placebo or active-treatment controlled trials. Lancet. 2009 Dec;374(9705):1897-1908 Teggi R, Bellini C, Piccioni LO, et al. Transmeatal low-level laser therapy for chronic tinnitus with cochlear dysfunction. Audiol Neurootol. 2009;14(2):115-120 Yeldan I, Cetin E, Ozdincler AR. The effectiveness of low-level laser therapy on shoulder function in subacromial impingement syndrome. Disabil Rehabil. 2009;31(11):935-940 Ay S, Doğan SK, Evcik D. Is low-level laser therapy effective in acute or chronic low back pain? Clin Rheumatol. 2010 Aug;29(8):905-910 Meireles SM, Jones A, Jennings F, et al. Assessment of the effectiveness of low-level laser therapy on the hands of patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A randomized double-blind controlled trial. Clin Rheumatol. 2010 May;29(5):501-509 Low-intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Pulsed magnetic field therapy in refractory neuropathic pain secondary to peripheral neuropathy: electrodiagnostic parameters - pilot study, Neurorehabil Neural Repair, Vol 18, No.1, March 2004 Effect of pulsed magnetic field therapy on the level of fatigue in patients with multiple sclerosis - a randomized controlled trial, Multiple Sclerosis, Vol. 11, No.3, June 2005 The Effect of Monochromatic Infrared Energy on Sensation in Patients with Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy, Diabetes Care, Vol. 28, No. 12, December 2005 Paick JS, Lee SC, Ku JH. More effects of extracorporeal magnetic innervation and terazosin therapy than terazosin therapy lone for non-inflammatory chronic pelvic pain syndrome: a pilot study. Prostate Cancer and Prostate Diseases. 2006;9(3): 261-65 Warden S, Hons B. Avin K, et. al. Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Accelerates and a Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug Delays Knee Ligament Healing. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2006; 34(7): 1094 – 1101 Fernandex M, Watson P, Rowbotham D. Effect of pulsed magnetic field therapy on pain reported by human volunteers in a laboratory model of acute pain. Br J Anaesth. 2007; 99(2):266-269 Ilknur A, Kenan A, Bahar C. Therapeutic effect of pulsed electromagnetic field in conservative treatment of subacromial impingement syndrome. Clin Rheumatol. 2008;26: 1234-1239 Szymborska-Kajanek A; Wystrychowski G, Biniszkiewicq T, Impact of low frequency pulsed magnetic fields on pain intensity, quality of life and sleep disturbances in patients with painful diabetic polyneuropathy. Diabetes Metab 01-Sept-2008;34(4 Pt 1): 349-54 Warden S, Metcalf B, Kiss Z, et. al. Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound for chronic patellar tendinopathy: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Rheumatology. February 2008; 47: 467-471 Khanna A, Nelmes R, Gougoulias N, Maffulli N, Gray J. The effects of LIPUS on soft-tissue healing: a review of literature. British Medical Bulletin. November 2008: 1-14 Korstjens C, van der Rijt R, Albers G, Semeins C, Klein-Nulend J. Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound affects human articular chondrocytes in vitro. Med Biol Eng Comput. 2008; 46: 1263-1270 Fu S, MPhil, Shum W, et. al. Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound on Tendon Healing. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2008;36(9): 1742 – 1749 Weintraub M, Cole S. A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Effects of a Combination of Static and Dynamic Magnetic Fields on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Pain Med. 2008;9(5): 493-504 Vasopneumatic Compression Franzen-Korzendorfer H, Blackinton M, Rone-Adams S, McCulloch J. The effect of monochromatic infrared energy on transcutaneous oxygen measurements and protective sensation: results of a controlled, double-blind, randomized clinical study. Ostomy Wound Manage. 2008 Jun;54(6):16-31 Devoogdt N, Van Kampen M, Geraerts I, et al. MR. Different physical treatment modalities for lymphedema developing after axillary lymph node dissection for breast cancer: a review. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2010 Mar;149(1):3-9 Vestibular Rehabilitation Efficacy of Vestibular Rehabilitation, Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America, Vol. 33, No. 3, 06/2000 Outcome Analysis of Individualized Vestibular Rehabilitation Protocols, The American Journal of Otology, Vol. 21, No. 4, 07/2000 Giray M. Kirazli Y, Karapolat H, et al. Short-term effects of vestibular rehabilitation in patients with chronic unilateral vestibular dysfunction: a randomized controlled study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2009 Aug;90(8):1325-31 |
Covered Diagnosis Codes
Vasopneumatic Compression (97016)
457.0 | 457.1 | 459.81 | 729.81 |
757.0 | 782.3 | 924.00 | 924.10 |
924.4 | 924.5 |
Non-covered Diagnosis Codes
Infrared Therapy (97026)
250.60-250.63 | 354.4 | 354.5 | 354.9 |
355.1-355.6 | 355.71-355.79 | 355.8-355.9 | 356.0 |
356.2-356.4 | 356.8-356.9 | 357.0-357.7 | 674.10 |
674.12 | 674.14 | 674.20 | 674.22 |
674.24 | 707.00-707.07 | 707.09 | 707.10-707.15 |
707.19 | 870.0-870.9 | 871.0-871.9 | 872.00-872.02 |
872.10-872.12 | 872.61-872.69 | 872.71-872.79 | 872.8-872.9 |
873.0-873.1 | 873.20-873.29 | 873.30-873.39 | 873.40-873.49 |
873.50-873.59 | 873.60-873.69 | 873.70-873.79 | 873.8-873.9 |
874.00-874.02 | 874.10-874.12 | 874.2-874.9 | 875.0-875.1 |
876.0-876.1 | 877.0-877.1 | 878.0-878.9 | 879.0-879.9 |
880.00-880.09 | 880.10-880.19 | 880.20-880.29 | 881.00-881.02 |
881.10-881.12 | 881.20-881.22 | 882.0-882.2 | 883.0-883.2 |
884.0-884.2 | 885.0-885.1 | 886.0-886.1 | 887.0-887.7 |
890.0-890.2 | 891.0-891.2 | 892.0-892.2 | 893.0-893.2 |
894.0-894.2 | 895.0-895.1 | 896.0-896.3 | 897.0-897.7 |
998.31-998.32 |
Covered Diagnosis Codes
Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy
340 | 386.10-386.19 | 386.30-386.35 |
Covered Diagnosis Codes
Vasopneumatic Compression (97016)
I87.2 | I87.9 | I89.0 | I97.2 |
M79.89 | Q82.0 | R60.0 | R60.1 |
R60.9 | S70.10xA | S70.11xA | S70.12xA |
S80.10xA | S80.11xA | S80.12xA |
Non-covered Diagnosis Codes
Infrared Therapy (97026)
A52.15 | E08.40 | E08.41 | E08.42 |
E09.40 | E09.41 | E09.42 | E10.40 |
E10.41 | E10.42 | E10.43 | E10.44 |
E10.49 | E10.610 | E10.65 | E11.40 |
E11.41 | E11.42 | E11.43 | E11.44 |
E11.49 | E11.610 | E11.65 | E13.40 |
E13.41 | E13.42 | E13.43 | E13.44 |
E13.49 | E13.610 | G13.0 | G13.1 |
G56.40 | G56.41 | G56.42 | G56.90 |
G56.91 | G56.92 | G57.10 | G57.11 |
G57.12 | G57.20 | G57.21 | G57.22 |
G57.30 | G57.31 | G57.32 | G57.40 |
G57.41 | G57.42 | G57.50 | G57.51 |
G57.52 | G57.60 | G57.61 | G57.62 |
G57.70 | G57.71 | G57.72 | G57.80 |
G57.81 | G57.82 | G57.90 | G57.91 |
G57.92 | G58.7 | G58.8 | G58.9 |
G59 | G60.0 | G60.1 | G60.2 |
G60.3 | G60.8 | G60.9 | G61.0 |
G61.1 | G62.0 | G62.1 | G62.2 |
G62.82 | G63 | G65.0 | G65.1 |
G65.2 | I70.231 | I70.232 | I70.233 |
I70.234 | I70.235 | I70.238 | I70.239 |
I70.241 | I70.242 | I70.243 | I70.244 |
I70.245 | I70.248 | I70.249 | I70.331 |
I70.332 | I70.333 | I70.334 | I70.335 |
I70.338 | I70.339 | I70.341 | I70.342 |
I70.343 | I70.344 | I70.345 | I70.348 |
I70.349 | I70.431 | I70.432 | I70.433 |
I70.434 | I70.435 | I70.438 | I70.439 |
I70.441 | I70.442 | I70.443 | I70.444 |
I70.445 | I70.448 | I70.449 | I70.531 |
I70.532 | I70.533 | I70.534 | I70.535 |
I70.538 | I70.539 | I70.541 | I70.542 |
I70.543 | I70.544 | I70.545 | I70.548 |
I70.549 | I70.631 | I70.632 | I70.633 |
I70.634 | I70.635 | I70.638 | I70.639 |
I70.641 | I70.642 | I70.643 | I70.644 |
I70.645 | I70.648 | I70.649 | I70.731 |
I70.732 | I70.733 | I70.734 | I70.735 |
I70.738 | I70.739 | I70.741 | I70.742 |
I70.743 | I70.744 | I70.745 | I70.748 |
I70.749 | L89.000 | L89.001 | L89.002 |
L89.003 | L89.004 | L89.009 | L89.010 |
L89.011 | L89.012 | L89.013 | L89.014 |
L89.019 | L89.020 | L89.021 | L89.022 |
L89.023 | L89.024 | L89.029 | L89.100 |
L89.101 | L89.102 | L89.103 | L89.104 |
L89.109 | L89.110 | L89.111 | L89.112 |
L89.113 | L89.114 | L89.119 | L89.120 |
L89.121 | L89.122 | L89.123 | L89.124 |
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L89.899 | L89.90 | L89.91 | L89.92 |
L89.93 | L89.94 | L89.95 | L97.101 |
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L97.111 | L97.112 | L97.113 | L97.114 |
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L97.829 | L97.901 | L97.902 | L97.903 |
L97.904 | L97.909 | L97.911 | L97.912 |
L97.913 | L97.914 | L97.919 | L97.921 |
L97.922 | L97.923 | L97.924 | L97.929 |
M05.50 | M05.511 | M05.512 | M05.519 |
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M05.532 | M05.539 | M05.541 | M05.542 |
M05.549 | M05.551 | M05.552 | M05.559 |
M05.561 | M05.562 | M05.569 | M05.571 |
M05.572 | M05.579 | M05.59 | M34.83 |
O90.0 | O90.1 | S01.00xA | S01.01xA |
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S02.5xxA | S02.5xxB | S03.2xxA | S05.20xA |
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S91.125A | S91.126A | S91.129A | S91.131A |
S91.132A | S91.133A | S91.134A | S91.135A |
S91.136A | S91.139A | S91.141A | S91.142A |
S91.143A | S91.144A | S91.145A | S91.146A |
S91.149A | S91.151A | S91.152A | S91.153A |
S91.154A | S91.155A | S91.156A | S91.159A |
S91.201A | S91.202A | S91.203A | S91.204A |
S91.205A | S91.206A | S91.209A | S91.211A |
S91.212A | S91.213A | S91.214A | S91.215A |
S91.216A | S91.219A | S91.221A | S91.222A |
S91.223A | S91.224A | S91.225A | S91.226A |
S91.229A | S91.231A | S91.232A | S91.233A |
S91.234A | S91.235A | S91.236A | S91.239A |
S91.241A | S91.242A | S91.243A | S91.244A |
S91.245A | S91.246A | S91.249A | S91.251A |
S91.252A | S91.253A | S91.254A | S91.255A |
S91.256A | S91.259A | S91.301A | S91.302A |
S91.309A | S91.311A | S91.312A | S91.319A |
S91.321A | S91.322A | S91.329A | S91.331A |
S91.332A | S91.339A | S91.341A | S91.342A |
S91.349A | S91.351A | S91.352A | S91.359A |
S96.021A | S96.022A | S96.029A | S96.121A |
S96.122A | S96.129A | S96.221A | S96.222A |
S96.229A | S96.821A | S96.822A | S96.829A |
S96.921A | S96.922A | S96.929A | S98.011A |
S98.012A | S98.019A | S98.021A | S98.022A |
S98.029A | S98.111A | S98.112A | S98.119A |
S98.121A | S98.122A | S98.129A | S98.131A |
S98.132A | S98.139A | S98.141A | S98.142A |
S98.149A | S98.211A | S98.212A | S98.219A |
S98.221A | S98.222A | S98.229A | S98.311A |
S98.312A | S98.319A | S98.321A | S98.322A |
S98.329A | S98.911A | S98.912A | S98.919A |
S98.921A | S98.922A | S98.929A | T81.31xA |
T81.32xA |
Deleted E08.621, E09.621
Covered Diagnosis Codes
Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy
G35 | H81.10 | H81.11 | H81.12 |
H81.13 | H81.20 | H81.21 | H81.22 |
H81.23 | H81.311 | H81.312 | H81.313 |
H81.319 | H81.391 | H81.392 | H81.393 |
H81.399 | H83.01 | H83.02 | H83.03 |
H83.09 |